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JobArch Jobs jobs by role: Administration / Payroll Find thousands of new job offers all over the world , job ads in the World, Administration / Payroll - JobArch Jobs

JobArch Jobs jobs by role: Administration / Payroll



Italy, Friuli, Udine - MOM CONSULTING SAS
Electronic industry/Automation
Administration / Payroll

RECLUTIAMO ai fini di assunzione diretta a tempo indeterminato un IMPIEGATA/O AMMINISTRATIVA/O CONTABILE per società produttiva in zona Udine L'impiegata/o amministrativa/o contabile si occupa della gestione amministrativa e contabile d'impresa. Collabora allo sviluppo economico e alla conservazione del patrimonio, rappresentando un supporto per la pianificazione strategica e l'applicazione delle politiche economiche e finanziarie. È garante della correttezza, trasparenza e integrità delle dinamiche finanziarie e patrimoniali di una società. PRECESSI DI MANSIONE - Audit dei processi amministrativi, contabili e finanziari; - Redazione del bilancio civilistico e infrannuale; - Organizzazione e coordinamento della funzione; - Gestione e supervisione della tesoreria e degli investimenti; - Verifica e ricodifica delle procedure dei cicli aziendali; - Gestione dei rapporti con gli istituti di credito, gli organi societari e i collaboratori esterni (revisori esterni, consulenti fiscali). PROFILO - Consolidata esperienza nel ruolo maturata in aziende strutturate e modernamente organizzate; - Ottimo background nel ruolo richiesto; - Personalità precisa, dinamica e affidabile, con spiccate capacità relazionali. SI OFFRE - assunzione diretta a tempo indeterminato - RAL (reddito annuo) da valutarsi in fase di colloquio - Benefit da valutarsi in fase di colloquio - welfare aziendale da valutarsi in fase di colloquio   candidato Autorizza il trattamento dei dati personali contenuti nel curriculum vitae in base all'art. 13 GDPR 679/16. 4 – Autorizza il trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi del Dlgs 196 del 30 giugno 2003 e dell'art. 13 GDPR (Regolamento UE 2016/679) ai fini della ricerca e selezione del personale.  

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Italy, Tuscany, Livorno - CONCORDIA srl
Administration / Payroll

Azienda chimica leader nel proprio settore, impegnata a fornire prodotti di alta qualità e a mantenere standard di eccellenza  RICERCA  AMMINISTRATIVO  da indirizzare in un percorso di sviluppo professionale all'interno della nostra struttura AFC.    SI RICHIEDE:  • Conosce e applica le procedure di consolidamento dei dati dei gruppi societari;  • Conosce e gestisce con padronanza i sistemi informativi utilizzati per il consolidamento (SAP);  • Garantisce l'omogeneità dei dati consolidati anche procedendo alla conversione fra diversi principi contabili, vigilare affinché le società consolidate applichino correttamente le policy di gruppo al loro interno;  • Redige o concorre alla redazione delle policy contabili e si interfaccia poi con gli internal ed external auditors al fine di validare le procedure e i sistemi di controllo adottati;  • Supervisiona la produzione di report periodici bilancio;  • Ha padronanza della lingua inglese per utilizzo professionale (livello richiesto B2), sarà elemento di preferenza la conoscenza di una seconda lingua (francese).    MANSIONARIO:  • Documenta e registra ogni movimento contabile aziendale, gestisce il processo di contabilità garantendo il rispetto delle procedure e degli adempimenti fiscali-tributari; • Elabora e redige il bilancio di previsione, la contabilità analitica e i collegamenti con la contabilità generale;  • Rileva i principali fatti contabili scaturenti dall'attività dell'impresa;  • Identifica e definisce le istruzioni e le procedure operative per il trattamento contabile delle transazioni;  • Applica le regole di base imposte dalla normativa civilistica e dai principi contabili per la tenuta della contabilità;  • Realizza le registrazioni contabili e fiscali periodiche e apportare le correzioni eventuali;  • Costruisce il piano dei conti in termini di finalità , logica generale, criteri di progettazione, collegamenti con il bilancio di esercizio e tipologia dell'impresa;  • Assicura che la parte contabile delle transazioni economiche patrimoniali e finanziarie venga gestita in base alla normativa vigente e sovrintende alla realizzazione del bilancio di esercizio;  • Analizza gli scostamenti tra quanto programmato e quanto realizzato, individuando i fattori e le cause determinati, prospettando interventi migliorativi nella gestione aziendale e sulla strategia di medio termine;  • Conosce i temi fiscali e civilistici, le procedure contabili e dei principi applicabili, si interfaccia con le altre funzioni aziendali al fine di conoscere i dettagli delle operazioni da loro svolte per garantirne la corretta ed efficace contabilizzazione;  • Tiene a disposizione degli organismi di controllo tutte le informazioni di carattere fiscale e civilistico e tutta la documentazione relativa alle dichiarazioni periodiche cui la società è tenuta;  • Provvede a preparare il reporting verso altre funzioni aziendali accertandosi che tale documentazione sia sempre completa, fruibile e ordinata.    SI OFFRE:  • Contratto a tempo indeterminato full-time.  • RAL da commisurarsi in base all'effettiva esperienza.    Assicura il rispetto del Modello ex D.lgs. 231/2001, del Codice Etico, delle prescrizioni contrattuali, delle norme di comportamento e delle procedure previste dalla Società ed in generale tutte le disposizioni interne.Concordia srl, agenzia per il lavoro con autorizzazione del ministero del lavoro e delle politiche sociali protocollo n. 0014417.05-10-2016 SAP, lingua inglese, pacchetto Office, bilancio consolidato, bilancio civilistico

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Data Entry Clerk / Typing Fully Remote

United States of America, Georgia, Alpharetta - R2 Technologies Corporation
Administration / Payroll

Position Summary Basic Data Entry Clerk Wanted - Wok From Home 25 Words Per Minute Input We are Legitimate Work From Home Data Entry Jobs are going to require that you have skills relevant to the position you are applying for. Training is provided based on the position. JOB REQUIREMENTS Computer with internet access Quiet work space away from distractions Must be able and comfortable to working in an environment without immediate supervision Ability to read, understand, and follow oral and written instructions. Data entry or administrative assistant experience is not needed but can be a bonus We are recruiting those who have a background in health care, ware house worker, delivery drivers, customer service, etc - we welcome all backgrounds so long as you're ready to learn You must apply on our website only. Job Requirements: Our paid focus group members come from all backgrounds and industries including remote data entry clerk, administrative assistant, receptionist, sales assistant, customer service agent, warehouse or factory workers, driver, medical assistant, nurse, call center representative, etc. If you are looking for a part time remote work from home job, this is a great position for earning a good extra income. Earn Part time income from the comfort of your home. This work allows you to: • Work on your time - you work when you want. • Learn new skills, get access to in demand work from home jobs • No dress code, work in your pj's or work in a suit - you choose Get started today by visiting our web site - and once there follow instructions as listed Qualifications Computer with internet access Quiet work space away from distractions Must be able and comfortable to working in an environment without immediate supervision Ability to read, understand, and follow oral and written instructions Data entry or administrative assistant experience is not needed but can be a bonus We are recruiting those who have a background in health care, ware house worker, delivery drivers, customer service, etc - we welcome all backgrounds so long as you're ready to learn Benefits Earn Part time income from the comfort of your home Work on your time - you work when you want Learn new skills, get access to in demand work from home jobs No dress code, work in your pj's or work in a suit - you choose Able to take direction and prioritize tasks from multiple Team Members. Strong organizational and coordination skills. Must be able to navigate a fast-moving environment with poise.


Basic Data Entry Clerk Part Time - Full Time

United States of America, Colorado, Dillon - Derry Area School District
Administration / Payroll

Position Summary We are looking for a focused Data Entry Clerk to continuously update our company's databases. The Data Entry Clerk will liaise with and follow up with employees within the company as well as with customers to collect information. The Data Entry Clerk will capture the data into relevant databases in a timely and accurate manner. You will identify and correct errors, and swiftly bring them to the attention of relevant parties where necessary. Responsibilities: •The Data Entry Clerk will liaise with and follow up with employees within the company as well as with customers to collect information •The Data Entry Clerk will capture the data into relevant databases in a timely and accurate manner •You will identify and correct errors, and swiftly bring them to the attention of relevant parties where necessary •Gathering reports, personal details, documents and information from employees, other departments and clients •Scanning through information to identify pertinent information •Correcting errors and organizing the information in a manner that will optimize swift and accurate capturing •Creating accurate spreadsheets •Entering and updating information into relevant databases •Ensuring data is backed up •Informing relevant parties regarding errors encountered •Storing hard copies of data in an organized manner to optimize retrieval •Handling additional duties from time to time Job Requirements: •High school diploma •1+ years experience in a relevant field •Good command of English •Excellent knowledge of MS Office Word and Excel •Strong interpersonal and communication skills •Ability to concentrate for lengthy periods and perform accurately with adequate speed •Proficient touch typing skills Benefits: •Premier Medical, Dental and Vision Insurance with no waiting period •Paid Vacation, Sick and Parental Leave •401(k) Plan with Profit Sharing •Tuition Reimbursement


Remote Work From Home Data Entry Level Operator / Typing

United States of America, Georgia, Alpharetta - Derry Area School District
Administration / Payroll

Position Summary Basic Data Entry Clerk Wanted - Wok From Home 25 Words Per Minute Input We are Legitimate Work From Home Data Entry Jobs are going to require that you have skills relevant to the position you are applying for. Training is provided based on the position. JOB REQUIREMENTS Computer with internet access Quiet work space away from distractions Must be able and comfortable to working in an environment without immediate supervision Ability to read, understand, and follow oral and written instructions. Data entry or administrative assistant experience is not needed but can be a bonus We are recruiting those who have a background in health care, ware house worker, delivery drivers, customer service, etc - we welcome all backgrounds so long as you're ready to learn You must apply on our website only. Job Requirements: Our paid focus group members come from all backgrounds and industries including remote data entry clerk, administrative assistant, receptionist, sales assistant, customer service agent, warehouse or factory workers, driver, medical assistant, nurse, call center representative, etc. If you are looking for a part time remote work from home job, this is a great position for earning a good extra income. Earn Part time income from the comfort of your home. This work allows you to: • Work on your time - you work when you want. • Learn new skills, get access to in demand work from home jobs • No dress code, work in your pj's or work in a suit - you choose Get started today by visiting our web site - and once there follow instructions as listed Qualifications Computer with internet access Quiet work space away from distractions Must be able and comfortable to working in an environment without immediate supervision Ability to read, understand, and follow oral and written instructions Data entry or administrative assistant experience is not needed but can be a bonus We are recruiting those who have a background in health care, ware house worker, delivery drivers, customer service, etc - we welcome all backgrounds so long as you're ready to learn Benefits Earn Part time income from the comfort of your home Work on your time - you work when you want Learn new skills, get access to in demand work from home jobs No dress code, work in your pj's or work in a suit - you choose Able to take direction and prioritize tasks from multiple Team Members. Strong organizational and coordination skills. Must be able to navigate a fast-moving environment with poise.


Impiegato amministrativo

Italy, Veneto, Follina - CONCORDIA srl
Construction/Civil Engineering
Administration / Payroll

F.Bisol, storica azienda nella fornitura di attrezzatura da costruzione, con sede a Follina e a Conegliano, che da oltre 70 anni commercializza anche mezzi movimento terra, offrendo i servizi di noleggio, vendita e assistenza tecnica ricerca IMPIEGATO AMMINISTRATIVO per la sede di Follina SI RICHIEDE: - Preferibile diploma in ragioneria o amministrazione e controllo; - Preferibile esperienza pregressa di 3-5 anni nel settore; - Esperienza di contabilità, bilancio, programmi gestionali per l'amministrazione; - Conoscenza del pacchetto MicrosoftOffice; - Automunito; - La residenza entro un raggio di 30 km di distanza dalla sede di lavoro è considerata un valore aggiunto. MANSIONARIO: La risorsa inserita, dopo un primo periodo di affiancamento, dovrà:  - adeguarsi alle modalità di archiviazione in uso per permettere a terzi di accedere a documenti e dati; - saper scrivere una mail per condizioni e questioni amministrative per clienti o fornitori; - Gestione fatture attive; - Gestione fatture passive; - Controllo prezzi ordine e fattura vendite; - Rapporti con i commercialisti; - Pagamento dipendenti; - Progetti finanziati e partecipazione a bandi; - Rendiconti periodici e analisi Scostamenti. SI OFFRE: - RAL: 30.000-35.000€ con quattordici mensilità, retribuzione ed inquadramento saranno commisurati all'effettiva esperienza; - Inserimento immediato con contratto a tempo determinato finalizzato al tempo indeterminato; - Supporto allo sviluppo professionale e personale.   Il presente annuncio è rivolto ad entrambi i sessi, ai sensi delle leggi 903/77 e 125/91, e a persone di tutte le età e tutte le nazionalità, ai sensi dei decreti l legislativi 215/03 e 216/03. Concordia srl, agenzia per il lavoro con autorizzazione del ministero del lavoro e delle politiche sociali protocollo n. 0014417.05-10-2016 adeguarsi alle modalità di archiviazione in uso per permettere a terzi di accedere a documenti e dati; - saper scrivere una mail per condizioni e cose amministrative per clienti o fornitori; - gestire i contatti telefonici in entrata e uscita; - prima nota cassa; - registrazione fatture fornitori; - registrazione incassi; - programmazione finanziaria fine mese; - fatturazione attiva fine mese con flussi banca; - tenuta registri iva; - tenuta libro giornale; - gestione ratei e risconti; - gestione ammortamenti;

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Data Entry Clerk

United States of America, Pennsylvania, Derry - Derry Area School District
Administration / Payroll

Position Summary We are looking for a focused Data Entry Clerk to continuously update our company's databases. The Data Entry Clerk will liaise with and follow up with employees within the company as well as with customers to collect information. The Data Entry Clerk will capture the data into relevant databases in a timely and accurate manner. You will identify and correct errors, and swiftly bring them to the attention of relevant parties where necessary. Responsibilities: •The Data Entry Clerk will liaise with and follow up with employees within the company as well as with customers to collect information •The Data Entry Clerk will capture the data into relevant databases in a timely and accurate manner •You will identify and correct errors, and swiftly bring them to the attention of relevant parties where necessary •Gathering reports, personal details, documents and information from employees, other departments and clients •Scanning through information to identify pertinent information •Correcting errors and organizing the information in a manner that will optimize swift and accurate capturing •Creating accurate spreadsheets •Entering and updating information into relevant databases •Ensuring data is backed up •Informing relevant parties regarding errors encountered •Storing hard copies of data in an organized manner to optimize retrieval •Handling additional duties from time to time Job Requirements: •High school diploma •1+ years experience in a relevant field •Good command of English •Excellent knowledge of MS Office Word and Excel •Strong interpersonal and communication skills •Ability to concentrate for lengthy periods and perform accurately with adequate speed •Proficient touch typing skills Benefits: •Premier Medical, Dental and Vision Insurance with no waiting period •Paid Vacation, Sick and Parental Leave •401(k) Plan with Profit Sharing •Tuition Reimbursement


Data Entry Level Clerk / Representative

United States of America, Pennsylvania, Derry - Derry Area School District
Administration / Payroll

Position Summary The Remote Data Entry Operator / Clerk plays a pivotal role in ensuring the accuracy and efficiency of our data management processes. This position is exclusively available to candidates residing in the United States and offers the opportunity to work remotely. Responsibilities: • Entering customer and account data from source documents. • Data Entry and Data Managing on the system (Excel). • Transfers information from paper formats into computer files using keyboards, data recorders, or optical scanners. • Performs high-volume data entry using word processing, spreadsheet, database, or other computer software. • Collate, organize, and capture data into digital databases. • Compiling, verifying the accuracy, and sorting information to prepare source data. • Computer Fundamentals, MS Office (MS Word and MS Excel,) • Info / Data collection from different websites or sources and entry in the given template • Assist to Sales/Marketing team for various supports • Any other task assigned by the management Job Requirements: •High school diploma or equivalent •Proven track record in data entry or a related field •Proficient typing skills with a strong focus on accuracy •Exceptional attention to detail and organizational capabilities •Proficiency in Microsoft Office and data entry software •Ability to work independently, prioritize tasks, and meet deadlines •Strong verbal and written communication skills •Previous experience in eye care or healthcare data entry is advantageous
